So, 2016 has started and we are already a week into it. It’s already going too fast.
I get easily frustrated with how slowly things change. It usually takes other people to remind me how far I’ve come.
At the beginning of 2015, I had a small team and no work. I was so worried and struggling to keep my head above water.
At the beginning of 2016, I have too much work. Too many clients. The problem is that I have not been very good at delegating. I am up in the crazy hours of the morning and late at night doing work for clients.
The problem is with me. I don’t feel comfortable giving up control. I can do it faster and better, so “just let me do it”. This is my big mistake.
I have a teenager who is learning to drive. As I sit in the passenger seat with no control, I feel terrified. I want to just pull over and take over the wheel. But, if I do that, he doesn’t get better. So, I have to get used to having no control.
The same is true for delegating. I need to get used to giving up control. I’ve been bad about that this past year. Overpass won’t grow if I can’t relinquish control.
That is what I’m going to try to do better this year.