This week, I’m in San Diego, California– the city I grew up in. It’s brought back a lot of memories. I never thought I’d be living in a foreign country creating apps back when I was a kid. Heck… there weren’t even apps or the internet back then.
I’ve come a long way. I’m still growing. I don’t feel like I’ve reached my limits by any stretch of the imagination.
I’m here as Eric in his 50s and thinking about Eric in his teens. I didn’t feel like a grown-up then. And I still don’t feel like one now. I’m still eager to learn the next thing and build more great apps.
One of the things that bothers me with some of the questions I get on the YouTube channel is when people ask about how to get to the end stage. Like “How long will it take me to learn Android?” or “How long will it take me to be successful?” Those questions are all relative. If the younger me looked at me today, he’d be impressed. The current me is not impressed. I have so much more I want to do. If I told the younger me how much work it took to get here, he’s probably say “no thanks.”
We grow, and we tackle each issue one at a time. Each day brings another opportunity to grow, along with an opportunity to stagnate. I cringe at the thought of how many times I took that latter and am proud of the times I took the former.
Be strong and take those growth opportunities. There is NEVER a guarantee of success. But momentum beats standing still every time.
Hope you are healthy and safe. Sorry for the lack of videos lately.
And… I shouldn’t have to say this but… I wrote this myself. No AI. Just me.