I’ve been messing around with the Nike+ api and C# for a while now. It’s one of the projects I play with to keep my skills up before heading off to work. One of the big influences of this project is the WordPress API developed by Mark at www.ear-fung.us.
Since moving back to WordPress from Dasblog, I havent’ been able to get this working because of my windows host. Now, after a few weeks of migration, I’ve finally moved to a Linux VPS. You can see my 3 most recent runs on the right-hand menu. Thanks Mark.
No problem, man! I’m glad you enjoy the plugin… geez, I haven’t worked on that in a long time.
I need to rewrite it so that it’ll work on Windows hosts as well. And not only that, I need to start running again!
Thanks Mark. The problem on the Windows host seemed to be with CURL.