It’s been five months since I posted to this blog. I’ve actually been writing a lot on the Overpass blog, but don’t usually make the time to write here. It’s not for lack of things to write about … just the motivation, I guess.
The past few months have been very busy. Last year, I stopped contracting full time and am focusing on apps full time. It’s scary but also a lot of fun. There are times when I’m not sure how I’m going to make it through the month and other times when I can’t figure out why I didn’t do this sooner.
I’m making a lot of Youtube videos for Overpass. I make a weekly video called “A Minute of Overpass” which is was terrifying at first, but now I really enjoy it.
I’ve wanted to create some videos for the past few years, but always felt silly doing it. I don’t like seeing or hearing myself and I’m extra critical. But, after doing 43 episodes of a Minute of Overpass … I’m getting used to it. It’s strange to think that thousands of people have seen me talking about apps. The Overpass youtube channel has over 160,000 views so far. Luckily, so harsh words yet.
I’m just getting passed the “suck” phase of videos. Like, my early stuff was no good, but I’m getting better. I wouldn’t say I’m great at it, but I’m definitely getting more comfortable.
When I made my first few videos, I wrote a script and read it. I just used my voice and no camera. It was not great. Now, I just wing it, and it comes across a lot more natural. It’s strange to meet people (potential clients) and they already know me.
Anyhoo, I’ll try to keep this site up to date a bit more. There is so much I can share here that I would not share with the Overpass audience.