Does anyone use LinkedIn endorsements?
I know that’s the reason they exist. Someone can endorse you for a skill. But, has an employer (or recruitment agent) ever actually paid attention to this?
My C# skills have been endorsed by my childhood friend. He, as far as I know, knows nothing about C# and does not even know that’s what I work with. If it was an endorsement of “Star Trek trivia knowledge”, then it would make sense.
My project management skills have been endorsed by software companies in India that I have never worked with (but they would like to work with me so endorsed me).
LinkedIn endorsements have lost all value due to the way they are so easy give. LinkedIn has made it so easy to give endorsements in bulk (“endorse all”) that there is no reason to consider them for job just because of their endorsements.
When someone endorses me, it makes me feel like I should endorse them back. It’s so easy to do and I feel rude if I don’t. But this further devalues them.
LinkedIn endorsements have become like Twitter followers. It’s impressive to see the number . . . but means very little.