It was much easier when I just had a job. It was easier when my only goal was making enough money to pay the mortgage and raise the kids. But when I started to give into the things I really want, it got more complicated.
There is no map. There is no-one to follow who can give me the answers. I know I can find someone who has “made it” doing what I’m trying to do, but I don’t think that works. I get asked all the time from people how I got to where I am. I have ideas, but no single answer to give them.
Sometimes it feels like I’m putting together a puzzle. The pieces are all in front of me and I keep re-arranging them. The trouble is that I can’t be sure I even *have* all the pieces. If I don’t have all the pieces, then I’m just wasting my time.
But I have to trust the pieces are all here. That faith has served me pretty well up until now.