The last day of 2010. It’s been a good year.
On the work front, I didn’t work too much. The work I did do was pretty cool to work on. In previous years, the majority of the year was spent working, but not this year.
I also went to Paris this year. That was very cool. I wanted to go somewhere a bit farther away, but that would have meant working more . . .
I started meditating this year, and I think I’m really feeling the benefits. I’m very calm and tend the focus less on the past. When my mind does take me away into self-doubt or agitation, I’m conscious of it happening and can try to stop it. I try to meditate every day, but it’s not easy always finding a quiet place. During the week, when I get up early, it’s perfect.
This year I ran another half-marathon. My time wasn’t great, but it wasn’t terrible either.
I’m looking forward to 2011, although I have no idea what it will bring. My current contract runs out at the end of January, so it’s kind of an unknown after then. I’m running the Reading Half Marathon and the London Marathon this year. Hopefully, I’ll get back to the States for a while. But aside from this, the future is wide open.
As always, I’ve been thinking about some resolutions for this year. I think the biggest one I make is to write more. Not necessarily on this blog, but just to write more often. I have so many anecdotes or ideas that I’ve started writing, but get distracted by other things and never finish them. I also think of loads of things to write about here, but never get around to it when I sit down. So that’s what I’m going to try to work on this year.
I hope you’ve had a great 2010 and will have an even better 2011.