About three weeks ago, I broke the little toe on my right foot while playing around with my kids. I think itâs broken, anyway. It turned purple and swelled to half its size. I never bothered going to the doctor because common wisdom is there is nothing you can do about a broken toe.
Three weeks later it still hurts. I try to let it heal, but I canât protect it.
All my life Iâve had a tendency to stub my toes on things. Maybe itâs my California background that makes me think I should be able to handle bare-footed-ness better, but I should probably be required to wear shoes 24/7. My tiny outer toes frequently snag on door frames. My big toe always hits one of the bed posts in my room.
There is nothing cool about stubbing your toe. It never happens to action heroes in the movies. Even in the first Die Hard movie where Bruce Willis was barefoot through the whole movieâhe stepped on glass and got bloody, but here never jabbed his toe into a door frame while knocking off all the bad guys.
The strange thing about stubbing your toe is that no one realizes youâve done it. One second, youâre walking and talking and the next second youâre limping very fastâmaking a sucking sound with your mouthâand swearing.
Bruce Willis I am not.
You should seriously be a columnist.. Take care of your toe.. BTW boss is coming to Mumbai next week.. need anything?
I clicked "Like" because of the writing, not because you hurt your toe!