For the past few years now, I’ve been reading about one self-improvement book a week. I started with the 7 Habits and have read so many I’ve lost count. I’ve read Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Tom Peters, Herb Cohen and loads of other not-as-famous authors. I’ve read about NLP, Negotiating skills, Networking, Sales, Customer Service–you name it.
After a while, the books start to get a bit dull. I still like to read them and re-enforce anything that is worth learning.
But I just finished reading Harvey Mackays Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive. It was great. I enjoyed reading it a lot. I was so taken by it that I tried to do some negotiation and haggling at Tottenham Court Road. It was a lot of fun.
So, to put it briefly, I highly recommend it.